"El Nido de Quetzalcoatl" is an apartment complex in Mexico City shaped like the body of the famous Aztec serpent deity. You can even stay inside!
"Belmondo" in Mexico City is a New York-style restaurant with amazing sandwiches and salads. I like the fact they support non-profit organizations...
"Hacienda de Cortes" hides in what is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places in Mexico City. It has a bazaar on Saturdays & a small restaurant.
The "Jardín Botánico UNAM" (or the botanical garden) in Mexico City is one of the country's most valuable, and beautiful, gardens. Come adopt a plant here!
"Cosecha Natural" in Mexico City is a pretty and cozy restaurant in the heart of Polanco that's perfect for lunch or breakfast. Try the Vietnamese bowl!
"La Ciudadela" is one of the best markets in Mexico City because of its proximity to the Céntro Histórico neighborhood and variety of things from all over!
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