Maximilians – Dine as if in Bavaria

Maximilians Berlin

Image by Rafael Dujarric

Maximilians – Dine as if in Bavaria

Rafael Dujarric photo

Rafael from Berlin

Berlin's green and there are alternatives for every taste, age, vice, addiction,...

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You might think that  typical German food only includes hamburgers, sausages, schnitzels, bretzels and apple strudel, washed down with beer. Well, I’m afraid that’s not too far from the truth.

The chief also had that idea. So whenever someone came up with the idea to go for such a meal, she stepped down right away. It was always like that until we came across the potato and pumpkin strudel with lentils, the cheese noodles with red onions, the sweet potatoes fries or even the veggie burger.  That was quite a revealing experience.  And an eye-opening one for both of us.

So, my recommendation is to go for the potato and pumpkin strudel with lentils with a Hefe Weizen dunkel beer or the unfiltered pilsener.

Even if it is not Oktoberfest season they are still Bavarian, so the beer glasses are intimidating. The good part is that somehow these beers either don’t get warm or you could still enjoy them at room temperature.

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Rafael from Berlin

Rafael Dujarric photo

Berlin's green and there are alternatives for every taste, age, vice, addiction,...

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Details about this spot



Friedrichstraße 185-190, Berlin

Opening Times

11:00 - 00:00 daily


Huge dish: € 12.50


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Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)