What does your city mean to you?

Is it the vibrant street art? The cozy cafes tucked away in quiet corners? That lovely bench in the park? 

Share the heart and soul of your city by becoming a Spotter for Spotted by Locals. Celebrate the unique character of the place you call home, contribute to sustainable tourism, and promote your local economy.

And last but not least, become part of an awesome international community!

In a nutshell

As a Spotter you'll ...


What does it mean to be a Spotter?

Who can tell it better than:

What we ask


What we offer

What’s in it for you?

Simple and straightforward

What are the steps?

Send an application

Send in your application first

Let’s have a chat!

We meet every Spotter in person or online.

Time to share your city!

We get you ready to get started!

Join us as a Spotter today!

Be part of a global community of 490 people who love their city!

Write about everything you 🤍 but skip touristic highlights

Show the hearth and soul of the place you call home
