My 5 Favorite Local Vintage Shops in Rotterdam

More and more people are becoming more conscious of over-consumption. Multinationals are mass producing cheap qualitatively low clothing and dumping them for low prices. Not really ecologically responsible if you ask me.

Nowadays, people want to find a way to consume clothes that are sustainable. Nothing is more sustainable than pre-loved clothing! This article takes you on a journey to the best vintage shops in Rotterdam. Not only do these stores provide you with unique items, but they also help you contribute to a better world!


Deerhunter (by Deerhunter)

Deerhunter is my favorite vintage shop in Rotterdam. The clothes are organized, the windows make it bright, it doesn’t have that weird grandma smell and it’s not too cramped up. This shop will make you feel like you’re shopping for modern clothes. Only thing is: you’re so not. Best part? It’s pretty secluded from the city centre so only locals know about this one. Until now, I guess.

Cheap Fashion

Cheap Fashion (by indebuurt)

The first time I shopped for vintage clothes was at Cheap Fashion. It’s a true household name for the local vintage lovers. I’m not into exaggerating, but it kinda changed my life. I used to spend hours here trying on dresses, looking for wigs and staring at myself in the mirror. Don’t worry, I also actually purchased some stuff too, ok. The name of the store doesn’t lie either. In my experience, this is the cheapest store to buy some fashion! 


Episode (by indebuurt)

Episode is the vintage shop I go to most often. Merely because it’s in de Witte de Withstraat. This also means it’s the most crowded one, but that never failed me to find a treasure. It’s actually pretty hard not to find something here. There used to be an Episode on another street more than 10 years ago, but then it left out of the blue. Vintage enthusiasts really had to mourn a few years before getting over it. But now it’s finally back! This location is better, because when you’re done shopping, you can go eat and drink in some of the neighboring cafe’s and restaurants.

Sweet Rebel

Sweet Rebels (by Sweet Rebels)

But wait! Don’t go eating and drinking yet. Why not cross the street and go to Sweet Rebel first? Those drinks can wait, right? Sweet Rebels never ceases to amaze me. The clothes are carefully selected, renewed, adjusted where needed and even ironed. They really put their time and energy into every single item. Bought earrings here once, and every time I wear them people compliment me with my whole outfit. That’s the type of style you can expect from Rebel. So, rebel yourself to a sustainable lifestyle at Sweet Rebels, no wait, that’s corny. But really, take a look. You won’t regret it!

Sister Moon

Sister Moon (by Sister Moon)

So, you happen to be in Rotterdam with your annoying friend that hates vintage clothes? Don’t worry. We got some options for that too. Sister Moon sells both vintage and modern clothes. As for the vintage clothes, the owner makes frequent trips to Paris to select new collections for his store. I remember spending time here after school hearing the owner talk about the stories behind the clothes. This shop is definitely worth a visit!

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Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)