Vytautas Kernagis monument Vilnius

Image by Kamilė Naraitė

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Kamilė from Vilnius

Positive about every aspect of life. Vilnius is a very comfortable, unique and b...

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The monument for Vytautas Kernagis is very special place for me. I always come here when I need inspiration or just want to relax. Vytautas Kernagis was a person whom was beloved by all Lithuanians. He was a unique person who was known as an actor, musician, singer, songwriter, bard, presenter of TV shows and television announcer. Vytautas Kernagis was my favorite Lithuanian singer-songwriter and he also made me love sung poetry.

The monument is located in a special place – in front of the LMTA (Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy) Vytautas Kernagis graduated from. This place has a Brodas (Broadway) name, because the students of LMTA and other universities had always been uniting here to play the music, to sing or to dance.

Vytautas Kernagis was very creative. He wrote a lot of different songs and all of them (!) became very popular. He also composed a lot of songs according to Lithuanian poetry and some of these songs became popular as a second Lithuanian hymn.

I think that Vytautas Kernagis was more than just a singer, he was a Great person. I am sure that he will be always alive in my and all Lithuanian’s hearts! So, the monument for Vytautas Kernagis always reminds us to be creative and it is like an inspiration for all who wants to achieve something.

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Kamilė from Vilnius

Kamilė Naraitė photo

Positive about every aspect of life. Vilnius is a very comfortable, unique and b...

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Details about this spot



Gediminas avenue, Lukiskiu square, Vilnius

Opening Times

24 hours daily


Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)