Site of Pushkin's Duel Saint Petersburg

Image by Arseny Veber

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Arseny from Saint Petersburg

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You definitely know the most famous Russian poet, the playwright and novelist considered to be the founder of Russian literature – Alexander Pushkin. You also probably know that he was fatally wounded in a duel with Georges d’Anthes on the evening of January 27th 1837. Do you want to see the place where it happened?

The duel took place at the Black River (Chernaya Rechka). In the 19th century it was almost in the countryside, nowadays it a modern district surrounded by highways and tall buildings. However, the duel place is still located in a small park and marked by a granite obelisk with a bronze bas-relief of the poet.

The park itself is pretty small, but quiet. Take a seat in front of the obelisk and imagine those fateful moments. Time does not turn back. However, our memory makes outstanding people immortal. Pushkin was a genius and his memory is immortal. Therefore, if you love his poems and novels, it is worth for you to visit this place and honor the memory of the poet.

It should take around 10 minutes to walk from the subway station “Chernaya Rechka” to the duel place. Just keep walking on the left side of Kolomyazhsky prospect to the south (direction to the city center) until you reach the spot.

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Arseny from Saint Petersburg

Arseny Veber photo

The more I travel, the more I like St. Pete. Every building in the center has it...

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Details about this spot



Kolomyazhskiy Prospekt 9, Saint Petersburg

Opening Times

24 hours daily


Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)