Spotters meeting all over the place!

Spotters from 5 cities in Budapest!

The last months so many Spotters met each other while they were traveling to other cities. Even cooler: Spotters actually planned an entire trip around meeting in Budapest and Tel Aviv!

Here’s a few pics… Spotters: please keep sending pictures when you meet another Spotter – in your own or another city. We want to keep growing our precious collection :).

Igor (Tel Aviv) and Giulia (Rome) exploring Bethlehem together

Amsterdam Spotter Martin (left) meeting Claudio in Lisbon (second from right).

Copenhagen Spotter Cindy (Copenhagen) meeting Spotters in Edinburgh

Warsaw Spotter Stefano meeting Athens Spotter Marilena!

Spotters from 8 cities meet in Tel Aviv for Purim!

Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)