Digital Spotters Meetings – We Keep in Touch

December 16, 2020
2 min read
Minsk Spotter Sergei talking about the situation in Belarus

Spotters miss meeting Spotters. That’s why we’ve introduced a weekly digital Spotters meeting in November. We’ve been having some very interesting meetings already – moderated by another Spotter every week!

  • Portuguese music: our Porto Spotter Tiago is a DJ and music connoisseur. He told us about the long history of  music in his country, and of course let us listen to some!
  • Pastafarianism: our Rotterdam Spotter Michael is a Pastafarian priest, Archbishop of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in The Netherlands. He told us  why he joined the church, and spreads the word on Twitter.
  • Belarus uprising: live from Minsk our Spotter Sergei told us about the history of Belarus and the uprising against the Belarusian government and President Lukashenko.
  • Best movies from your country: our editor and Athens Spotter Dimitris moderated a session about our favorite movies from our country.
  • The war in Nagorno-Karabakh: our Yerevan Spotter Raffi has been reporting from the front lines of the war in Artsaksh (a.k.a. Nagorno-Karabakh) as a journalist. We’ve asked him if he wants to tell his story, and we’re thrilled that he wanted to tell us more about this complex conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

This Sunday Our Cologne Spotter Marcel will do a session about “place writing”. Marcel is an accomplished writer and he’s led various professional workshops on place writing. He’s so kind to offer his knowledge to our community! Highly relevant for all of us of course!

