Enjoyed TBEX Copenhagen Travel Bloggers meeting!

November 6, 2010
< 1 min read

The last few days, I’ve been in Copenhagen for TBEX – The Travel Bloggers Exchange conference. Organizers Kim Mance and Maren Hogan (www.Galavanting.tv) kindly invited me to lead a workshop about branding, which was a lot of fun to do!

I also had the chance to attend some great workshops and presentations.

Scotswoman Karen Bryan talked about how she started and built Europe a la Carte, and had some wise advise for travel bloggers: “press trips don’t pay your mortgage”.  Lola Akinmade (Matador Network)  had some great tips for freelancers about pitching stories to editors.

The highlight presentation for me was Andrew Evans, writer for National Geographic, who had a passionate story about the need for “Storytelling” – be it in an article, picture or video. He even manages to write poetry-like stories via Twitter (@wheresandrew)!

It was great to meet people like travel blogger Johnny Jet, and serial Lonely Planet author Robert Reid, who I’ve “met” via social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook before. I’m bringing back to Amsterdam a big pile of businesscards, and a lot of good memories!

