Interview with Eva Taucar (Ljubljana Spotter)

April 16, 2010
3 min read

Today an interview with Eva Taucar, Spotter for our Ljubljana cityblog. We met Eva in 2008 and during our meeting we haven’t seen her without a smile!

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Who am I? Well I am 24-year old student of architecture and I can hardly sit still for 5 minutes – that is why I occupy myself with thousand different things…usually at the same time! 🙂 I am an editor of a magazine, I work as a designer, I snowboard, I have my own brand of urban style accessories (LEVA cut’n’paste goods), I enjoy to explore and I love to cook…and I am a proud Spotter for Ljubljana city blog 🙂

Why Ljubljana?
For me Ljubljana is magical! Tiny green capital, where „the real nature“ is just a jump away, it is perfect for biking and perfect for taking it easy, and the best of all: it is distanced only 30 minutes from the nearest ski resort and 40 minutes from sea side (now tell me, which other capital can show off with that!).

If all you care about a city is number of museums, galleries and cultural events, then just don’t come here – Ljubljana is definitely not a right address for you!

If you want to experience city’s laid back atmosphere, enjoy in the food and drink, cruise around with a bike discovering part by part, then you are warmly welcome! …and cheers!

Must do-s: Breakfast at Central Market, ice cream at Zvezda, party at Metelkova, burek at Nobe, concert at Križanke, chillin’ in Tivoli park, cevapcici in HarambaÅ¡a, buying pumpkin oil in Delikatesa Maximarket as a present for your mom.

Must don’t-s: going to Castle with funicular (use your legs and take a romantic walk trough the old city, slowly going up the Castle hill while observing great view), trust the tourist guide book.

Which prejudices about Ljubljana are true?
Hmm, I don’t really know any prejudices about Ljubljana. Yes, it is small, we could even say tiny in comparison with other capitals, but I think that is only a bonus…and I assure you, you won’t get bored here! In a way we are still pretty undiscovered by the tourists, but I think that will change fast…maybe because we have such a good food and wine 🙂

What do you know about Ljubljana what no tourist will know?
The scent! Every season has its own scent, you can smell when the first snowflakes will arrive and when the flip-flop time is approaching! It is amazing and I love it! The first smell of season always reminds me of all the good moments that happened in the past and brings out all the happy memories – that is when I get worm inside and I start to love my city even more.

Can you describe a perfect day in your city?
It is summer and it is gonna be hot sunny day. I would wake up comfortably after 10.00, bike to the city center with good music in my ears, meet friends at Prešern square and go for a breakfast to Centralna Tržnica (central open-air food market).

I would first go to cheese department to get some good sheep and goat cheeses, at least 5 different types because diversity is good…and yummy. Then I would continue and look for good homemade bread and search for the juiciest strawberries I could find. We would sit at the market stairs, eating, chatting, laughing and observing people.

Then we would pack ourselves into a car and drive to IÅ¡ki Vindgar, to cool ourselves down in the nature, since city concrete gets really hot in the summer. I would put my shoes off, jump around in the shallow water, swim in the deep pools and than warm up lying on the sun-heated rock.

In the afternoon we would go back to the city, first having ice cream at Zvezda, I would definetly choose „roche“ taste (because I always do), sit in front of Križanke, and listen to rehearsal of musicians for the evening concert.

Then we would stroll towards Delikatesa Maximarket to get some bottles of good wine for the evening and continue to Cafe Romeo for dinner, preferably for one of their amazing salads, to collect energy for late night party.

We would go out to Metelkova, listen to some cool concert, dance to a groovy rhythms, and every now or then go for a shot of „medvedova kri“ (Bear’s blood) to Jalla Jalla. When the morning would approach, I would slowly bike back home, with a obligatory stop at Nobe to get myself a cheese burek.

Check out all Eva’s articles and the other interviews with our Spotters

