Experimental Travel / tourism

Spotted by Locals Team
September 26, 2010
< 1 min read

Image by givikat

Next time you’re in a city you know very well, or if you want to experience your own city in a new way, try Experimental travel – a travel game where you follow certain pseudo-scientific rules, which lead you to new experiences.

The “inventor” of the term Experimental Travel, Joel Henry, created Latourex – a  website with many practical experiments. Some examples:

A-Z Travel: Choose a town to visit from A to Z. Find the first road beginning with A and the last beginning with Z, and draw a line between the two. Walk the length of this line and discover the city alphabetically

Airport Travel: Spend 48 hours in an airport without getting on a plane…. let your eyes glaze over as you peruse the ever-changing departures board.  Sounds very frustrating to me!

And one that we of course recommend whole-heartedly:

Insider travel: Explore a place following the suggestions of the locals. Do exactly what they say.

Have you every tried one of these, or another way of experimental travel? Please share your experiences!

(Thanks to Glasgow Spotter Paulo Cruz for the idea of this article!)

