Guidebook alternatives

April 7, 2010
< 1 min read

The Sunday Times had a special on Guidebook alternatives (PDF, 128 Kb) recently. Great to see they included us!

And even better to see they really understand what we’re about, and are very enthusiastic!

“No amount of guidebook research can replace local knowledge… Thousands of people write about their travels or places where they live – the problem is finding which ones are any good.

One of the best is, which has teams of enthusiastic, knowledgeable Spotters in 23 European cities, who’ll recommend places to eat, drink, shop or hang out. With a focus on local neighbourboods, the site shows you how to get off the tourist trail. You can search by theme, district or follow a particular writer….”

Also recommended in the article: our Local Travel friends from Tripbod who offer a “friend at the other end” from £ 30 per week.

