How happy are our Spotters?

October 19, 2015
2 min read


Since we started Spotted by Locals, we have been asking our Spotters to complete a 20 question “Spotters satisfaction survey” find out what we can do to help achieve one of our most important goals: perfectly happy Spotters!

We are very happy to see our Spotters are still very (78% even “extremely”) satisfied in writing for Spotted by Locals. What made us most happy maybe: the ever growing Spotters community is becoming more active every 2 years, and an ever growing motivation for Spotters to work with us.

“I am extremely proud to tell people I write for Spotted by Locals”
 I find it extremely important to meet fellow Spotters
I find it extremely important to meet fellow Spotters

Are there things we can improve for Spotters? Of course! We need to update our systems to make writing and updating articles more fun and easy, we can do more o motivate Spotters to write more new articles and we should organize more Spotters weekends :). We received hundreds of fantastic concrete suggestions!

Love your city, and want to share your passion? Join our awesome community!

