My name is Ivan Marra and I have been one of the Rome Spotters since 2012. I’ve just finished a 3 month Social Media management and HR internship at Spotted by Locals. If you want know more about me just visit my Spotter’s profile page.
Why did I do my internship at Spotted by Locals?
Actually I decided to do my internship at Spotted by Locals for many reasons: first of all because I wanted to gain more experience on my CV, then apart from some scheduled meetings I knew that I was totally able to organize my hours the way I wanted to and because I wanted to discover how this amazing site works from the inside.
What did I learn?
Wow that’s a hard question because I learned thousands of things considering the fact that I did 50% Social Media and 50 % HR.
Let’s start with Social Media, I learned that there are many interesting and super useful tools in order to manage a site. I discovered that you can do way more things with social networks than just posting a status or your pictures (I discovered the world of Twitter and I loved it) and what are the best ways to improve your business online. I’m sure that this will be extremely important in my future work opportunities.
Concerning HR Recruitment I appreciated the fact that together with Sanne we developed a project plan to reach some specific goals and it was interesting to see which are the best channels to contact possible Spotters. Some of them were really good, while others were not very powerful. I was able to get in contact with good locals who are now a Spotter and this is very satisfying!
Most importantly I appreciated the fact that when you work in a nice environment surrounded by nice people like Sanne, Bart and Laura and where they always take your thoughts and ideas into consideration… well it’s simply great!
Looking for a distance / remote internship yourself? Check out what we can offer!