KLM inflight mag writes about us and Local Travel

Spotted By Locals
February 7, 2011
< 1 min read

We’ve been actively promoting people to travel like a local since Spotted by Local’s launch in 2008. Last year, together with WHL Group, we launched Local Travel – a not for profit website that unites businesses actively promoting Local Travel and travelers.

It seems the travel press is starting to get interested too. Last week, KLM’s inflight magazine author Tom Jordan published an article about “Stay smart – the smart way to tarvel is to `go local’ ”

A quote from the article:
“Whether that’s staying in a suburban home rather than a glitzy, could-be-anywhere hotel, tapping into online information from in-the-know locals, or using technology to secure a berth with a like-minded traveller, the ways to localise your trip are growing.”

We’re happy to see they mentioned Spotted by Locals and another great initiative: Slow Travel Berlin in the article.

The article was published in the paper version of the inflight magazine. Here’s the internet-version

