Lockdown Europe – A Photography Project

April 20, 2021
3 min read

We came across the Lockdown Europe project and felt like we needed to share. The project came to life with the uprising of the Corona Virus. As restrictions were set in place to “flatten the curve”, Europe that had gradually been growing together seems to have started disintegration again. Borders closed, citizens were called home and every country developed its own strategy to combat the virus.
As a countermovement to this separation, Lockdown Europe was born. They sent out a pan-European call for photos of this situation to record it for all of us and posterity; because the feeling was strong that Europe had to stick together at such a difficult time.

The idea: put the pieces of the puzzle, i.e. Europe, together again – at least visually. They brought together 50 photographers from the 47 European Capitals! Each of them contributed meaningful photos of the present state of his/her capital. The whole collection is beautiful, funny, thought-provoking, and heartbreaking all at once. We selected our favorites, but make sure to head over to the Lockdown Europe site to see the whole collection.

Greece Athens (by Alexandros Maragos)


Estonia,Tartu (by Heikki Leis)


Austria Vienna (by Markus_Sepperer)


Croatia Zagreb (by Anto Magzan)


France Paris (by Veronique de Viguerie)


Germany Berlin (by Oliver Heinl)


Italy Rome (by Luigi Avantaggiato)


Slovenia Ljubljana (by Mankica Kranjec)


Turkey Istanbul (by Murat Pulat)


Luxembourg (by Christophe Van Biesen)

