Lots of media exposure in 2010

December 20, 2010
< 1 min read

It’s always great to hear when one of our visitors sends us an e-mail, tweet or Facebook message. But it’s always an extra special feeling if a journalist from the “traditional” media thinks Spotted by Locals is worth writing an article about.

This year, we’ve been fortunate to receive quite a lot of exposure again. Some of the highlights:

In the papers
We had newspaper and magazine coverage in  Gazet Antwerpen, Parool, The Guardian,  the Sunday Times, Columbus Magazine, Cara Aer Lingus and Travel Weekly, among others.

For the first time, Spotted by Locals was on TV! BBC World tipped us in an edition of fast:track and our Amsterdam Spotter Maarten-Jan had a chance to explain Spotted by Locals on Belgian national television.

Journalists, bloggers, Facebook members, Tweeps,  and everybody else who recommended us to their friends and readers via word of mouth or otherwise: a big thank you!

