Interview with Marieke Koets (Rotterdam Spotter)

October 30, 2009
3 min read

Full article - interview Rotterdam Spotter Marieke Koets

Today we have an interview with Marieke Koets, Spotter for our Rotterdam cityblog

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I was born and raised in The Hague and moved to Rotterdam when I went to university. Started as a law student, but ended up doing my bachelors in history and after that my masters in Media and journalism.

Because of my intense uni life and because I like to keep in contact with a lot of people, I have a busy social life. I love it! I’m just busy in general! And positive, I like to see the sunny side of things and my glass is half full (but never turn down a refill).

I studied history and have an interest in World War 2. Now that I work I finally have the money to do some more travelling, now all I need is more time. During my bachelor I studied in Sydney, Australia for 7 months. This is where I met my boyfriend, who’s now living with me in Rotterdam. My next trip will be to Rome, to visit my cousin. The last trip was to Prague to visit a friend. Before that I went to Cuba, which was fantastic.

Like being a Spotter?
I really like being a Spotter. The best thing about it, is that it give you an extra reason to go out and try new places. And the comments of others are really nice. I haven’t been a Spotter for very long time yet, so I don’t really have any good spotter stories yet.

Why Rotterdam?
Because Rotterdam is booming and trendy. This city is always developing and there’s always something to do. The city counsel works hard on bringing and keeping people in the city. The is a film budget, for give an example, to get crews to use Rotterdam as their décor and make movies here.

If you visit Rotterdam for one day, rent a bike and go see other parts of the city like Delfshaven. This is a bit out of the way, but easy to reach by bike. Delfshaven is a very old part and has got some nice places to have a drink of bit to eat. Don’t go much further then the harbour though, after that the borough gets a bit rough. Plus if you can, take the water taxi to, for instance, Hotel New York. Still have the time to go for a drink? Have one at Stalles.

Which prejudices about Rotterdam are true? Which ones are not?
People say that Rotterdam is ugly. It’s true that there a only few old placed left in the city and that all the the things being build are therefore new. But I think that’s cool. Rotterdam has such a nice mixture of old and new. Plus the city has space for now try-outs, new architecture. I find that this makes Rotterdam beautiful and interesting.

Because of all the buildings and the constant renovation of the city, it is kind of true that Rotterdam can look like a construction site. The other thing that is true is the attitude of the people from Rotterdam. They are hard workers and have a so called harbour mentality. ‘Don’t talk – work’ is a typical Rotterdam saying.

Can you describe a perfect day in Rotterdam for you?
A perfect day would start with a bit of sleeping in, doesn’t every good day start that way. Right after a quick breakfast I would go for a skate at the Kralingsche bos.

For lunch I would meet with friends at ‘Nostra’  for a lovely pastrami sandwich. The rest of the day would be spend strolling threw the city, doing a bit of shopping. Because I went skating this morning, I deserve something nice. So off to ‘Koekela’ for some chocolate cookies. I quickly bring the shopping home and begin the tough job called decision making. Am I going for a pizza at ‘O’Pazzo’ of worldly tapas at ‘Furore’. Pizza it is, but the beers after wards will be at Furore.

Of course my perfect day includes the day after, I’m free so I can make it as late as I want. Dancing is next, at ‘Cantinero’. I walk there so I can have an Ice-cream on the way at the ‘IJssalon’.

Read all of Marieke’ s Rotterdam tips here.

Check out the other interviews with our Spotters

