Interview with Miha Poredos (Ljubljana Spotter)

March 11, 2013
3 min read
Miha Poredoš, Ljubljana
Miha Poredoš, Ljubljana

Today we’re ‘exploring’ the mind of Miha Poredoš, one of four Spotters for Ljubljana. We had a lot of fun with Miha and the Ljubjlana crew (3 strong!) at the Spotters weekend in Amsterdam last November!

Miha dedicates his free time to film, traveling and music. These three are his biggest loves. At first he wanted to study filmmaking, but he realized after a bit that he wanted to be among people and study them.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Miha I am student of Cultural Anthropology in the best European capital – Ljubljana. If you don’t believe what I said, well prove me wrong. I picked anthropology to study because I wanted to be among people, study them, talk to them, laugh with them and help them. What I learned was, that the most interesting thing when travelling, studying, filming and making music are and have always been people. Why? Simply beacuse when meeting them you never know what a new day brings. I am a constant explorer without any idea of what will happen next. That’s me.

How do you like being a Spotter?
Being a Spotter is an amazing experience. It’s an opportunity to look and feel differently about your city. To notice things you probably wouldn’t notice normally. To try to think out of the box from time to time. Recently, I was totally surprised when I found out how deep am I stuck in a daily routine of walking along city streets, where I’m always looking at my feet. I accidentally raised my eyes up to the facades of the old building and was surprised by the variety of them. Those kind of discoveries make me a Spotter.

What is a must do when visiting Ljubljana? What isn’t?
There is no must do in Ljubljana. There is only ‘can do’ and ‘would really like to do’. People are different and it bothers me when I need to point out  ‘mustdo’s’. I really like it when someone tells me he wandered around and spotted something unique to him/her. That could be a must do. For me it’s music in the streets, friendly people and hidden spots. So the best recipe is: enjoy your stay, be adventurous and discover new things. And don’t go past the Metelkova mesto, it’s not a good choice to skip it ;).

Which prejudices about Ljubljana are true and which aren’t?
Prejudices can be negative and positive. Ljubljana certainly is a really peaceful city, people are nice and friendly, and walking alone in the dark is definitely not dangerous. Also the chance of being robbed is really low (which does not apply to your bicycle). Keep an eye on it, but if stolen you might get the chance to buy it back on a Sunday market. Strange are the paths of the bicycles here.

What do you know about Ljubljana that a tourist wouldn’t?
I do know some hidden spots that I keep to myself: some secret passages, cheapest coffees, best ice-creams…If I write them down here, they wouldn’t be a secret anymore, right? So, when visiting Ljubljana, stop by and I can take you to them. Only when you’re blindfolded, of course. 😉

Can you describe a perfect day in your city?
A perfect day would start in the morning with having a coffee in Daktari, then I would head up to work in the House of experiments (Hiša eksperimentov) to earn some money and cover expenses for my perfect day. In the afternoon I would go to the Azil Bookstore, to buy myself some new books and head up for lunch at Hotel Mrak. After that I would have an afternoon nap in Park Tivoli beneath the trees, read books and play badminton or football. I would spend the evening with my friends in Brooklyn bar and continue on to Metelkova to listen to a blues or jazz concert/jam. I would wrap up the day in the early morning hours killing my hunger with the best burek in town – BurekOlimpija. This would all be probably too many good things in one day and I would most likely be maxed out with happiness :).

If you’d like to read more of Miha’s articles, please click here. For interviews with other Spotters, click here!

