Discover local hidden gems in Boston

Our 3 days in Boston like a local

June 15, 2013
2 min read
Discover local hidden gems in Boston
Boston skyline

In our three days in Boston, we did not have time to check out the tourist highlights. So many Spotted by Locals Boston spots to check via our new iPhone app!

Working on Amtrak Washington to Boston
Italian food in North end Boston – Giacomo’s

Personal highlight was our 7 years wedding anniversary, which we celebrated with a huge plate of wonderful seafood in Boston’s North End – the Italian quarter. We had to stand in line for an hour at Giacamo’s, but it was more than worth it!

Of course, we also met our Spotters. As always, it was very nice to sit down with our locals and talk about what they’re up to nowadays and what we can improve for them to make being a Spotter even more fun!

Sanne & Erin
Paula & Bart

Unfortunately we could not meet Katie, who was in Australia. But we’ll gladly come back some time to meet her. See you Boston!

Our North America tour is powered by KLM (read more about it here!)

