Our Android app in the media!

August 27, 2012
< 1 min read

Since launching our Android app last month, we got some great feedback from users and the media.

While some writers and users point out that the download only gives you access to the trail version (5 tips) and that you have to pay (Euro 3.99 or equivalent) for the full version, most reviewers think it’s a small price to pay for an app with updates for life. Get Lost In points out that ‘Great tips aren’t Always Free’.

The Next Web touched on the topic of trial versus full version, but are most impressed with the offline content our Android offers.

Venture Beat‘s glowing review focuses more on how local our contribution to traveling really is! And one other example is from TNooz who mention us in a round up of the latest in the travel tech world. Lastly, the tech section of the Wall Street Journal picked up on The Next Web’s review.

It’s great to see the word is being spread about our new Android app, and we’d love to hear what you think of it!

