Spotted by Locals’ 3rd year (we started mid 2008) was a good year!
We’d like to share some of our personal highlights:
Highlight 1. Our 175 Spotters!
These wonderful locals in 33 cities in Europe, who write about their favorite spots in their city, are what Spotted by Locals is all about. We met many of them again this year, on the trips we made to 15 of our cities.
About 50% of our current Spotters are people who have been there since the launch of their cityblog. We are so happy about their continued loyalty in keeping their articles up-to-date, and writing about their newest discoveries in their city.
The other 50% of our Spotters write for our 10 newly launched cityblogs, or are fresh blood for “older” cities. Â Spotters are loyal, but also very mobile! Quite a few few of our Spotters moved out of their cities this year, meaning they could not remain a Spotter for their home city. We are very proud that we can say nobody quit because they did not like being a Spotter anymore.
We have dedicated our yearly happy holidays video (don’t blame our designers please. Amateurs Sanne & me made this video as we do every year…) to our Spotters:
Highlight 2: 10 new cityblogs!
This year, we launched the Bucharest, Dublin, Ghent, Glasgow, Helsinki, Istanbul, Krakow, Munich, Oslo and Warsaw cityblog.
Highlight 3: our Guardian “Best Travel Website” Award
In October this year, Â renowned UK newspaper the Guardian, one of The 5 worlwide newspapers Wikileaks trusted enough to collaborate with, awarded us the “Best Travel Website” award 2010.
Highlight 4: The launch of our iPhone app!
A few weeks ago, we launched our iPhone applications. All the iPhone applications for 30 of “our” cities are currently available in the iPhone Appstore (use this link if you have iTunes) for Euro 3.99.
You can browse all our tips, see what’s around you, and navigate the included detailed maps of the city. And what sets them apart from most other travel apps available: they are 100% offline (also the maps), so you do not require any internet, roaming or wi-fi to use them.
Please let us know what you think of them, if you used them! A good review in the Appstore really helps!
Highlight 5: The launch of our PDF cityguides
If you don’t have an iPhone (or even if you do!) you can download a PDF travel guide for each of our cities for Euro 3.99. The nicely designed guides contain all tips, a map for each spot, and introduction on our Spotters and a handy index. They’re designed for print, but also work great on your smartphone or eBook reader!
Thanks for your support, and please stay with us for more exciting developments in 2011!