Spotters meeting Spotters

Spotted By Locals
May 1, 2018
2 min read

Every week we receive emails or see social media posts from Spotters who met fellow Spotters on their trips. It always makes us super happy to see people of our virtual community of 435 handpicked Spotters meet up in person.

Here’s a few of the meetings that we know of in the last few months…

Dimitris (Athens) meeting Porto Spotter Tiago
Stefan (Copenhagen) and Sarunas (Vilnius) meeting the Tel Aviv Spotters team
Anna Maria (Bucharest) in Cologne
The Frankfurt Spotters team meeting up
Paris Spotters meeting up
Rudy (Rome) meeting Denise (Manchester)
Claudio (Lisbon), Renata (Brussels) and Kevin (Antwerp)
Kathrin (Helsinki) meeting Lisbon Spotter Nuno
Jeremie (Montreal) in LA meeting Spotter James
Nick (New York) in Rome meeting Daniela & Ivan

Spotters: keep sending pictures please 🙂

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