Spotters Weekend 2016 – It keeps getting better!

November 7, 2016
3 min read


For the third time (after 2012 & 2014) we organized a weekend for our Spotters. This time, we chose a city co-founder Sanne and myself have fallen in love with madly: Athens Greece.

It’s the day after. I am speechless about how beautiful and full of love and energy this weekend was. 105 people from 31 different countries – most of whom have never met – instantly connecting because of this special Spotters gene we all have… For the third time. It is truly magical to see this.

Yoga session by Ghent Spotter Julie on Filopappou Hill

Here’s a little video we edited, which should give you an impression:

But perhaps it’s better to let a small selection of Facebook posts from Spotters and pictures do the talking…

“The sunshine flowed this weekend; from everyone of you! This morning in Paris it’s snowing. Feeling top!! 😀”

“Spotters weekend aftermath = arriving at work on Monday only to realize the people at the office are not those amazing “colleagues” you’ve met this weekend…. :/ Haha very disappointing!”

Listening to some talented Spotters

“On the bus to work […] my mind starts travelling back to Athens, to the hundreds of hugs I’ve given and received, to the smiles, to the never ending chats, to the new friends I’ve made, to those who couldn’t be there and I missed terribly, to the renewed feeling that this world could just be much better if we were all spotters. Let’s spread the love Bart and Sanne gave us! Meanwhile… I’ve missed my bus stop, but I just smile and I sing in my head a song that accompanied me the whole weekend: “Friday I’m in love” as I really felt in love with you all.”

Learning about street art - in groups of 10
Learning about street art – in groups of 10
Dancing to the excellent live Rembetiko music

“It was pure joy, pure friendship, pure fun. Now that is finished, I noticed I didn’t talk that much to every one. And even though it should feel wrong, it feels right. It was supposed to be like that. We just needed to hug ourselves a lot, to stare into each others’ eyes a lot and laugh a lot. […] And now, as I remember those faces, each of them connected to a special moment and a magical connection, tears fall down from my eyes. And I don’t know that’s whether because I miss them, because the weekend is over or its just too much happiness! I suspect it’s all of it, but most strong the latter. Happiness for the huge family I belong to.”

Dancing & drinking till early morning – 2 nights in a row.

For me personally this picture epitomizes the weekend. And not because I’m on it. So many hugs, so much love…


All pictures by Stavros Symeonidis. For more pictures, check this Facebook post.

You might like to also read a recap of the 2012 & 2014 Spotter Weekends.

