Statistics of our Spotters

January 31, 2011
3 min read

If you’ve been on a citytrip, and used Spotted by Locals, you’ve “met” one or more of our Spotters,  either on our blogs, in our PDF cityguides or  in our newly launched iPhone applications. All Spotters present themselves with a picture, a short bio and a seducing “Why I love my city”.

We know all our Spotters well, because we meet them in their city. But apart from average age and sex, we never ran any analyses. We thought you might like it if we shared some statistics on our 167 current Spotters.

80% is native, (but what’s a “native” nowadays?)
In this rapidly globalizing economy it’s not very relevant to us where our Spotters were born. What’s important to us is that Spotters speak to local language, have lived in the city they write about long enough to feel like a local, and our passionate about their city.

Although we consider 80% of our Spotters to be  “native”  (our definition: born in the country they write about), many have very international backgrounds, and have lived all over the planet.  Quite a few have double passports, or have lived in other countries longer than the country they were born in (the more I’m writing, the more useless this statistic becomes to me…)

20% of our Spotters is a native English speaker. This is not very surprising, since most of our Spotters are non-native, and in only 3 of our 33 cities (London, Dublin, Glasgow) English is the native language. Many of the native English speaking Spotters from other cities are from the US, and we have experienced (no statistics!) most really call the country they live in “home”.

The average Spotter has the same age our target audience has!
Although the average age differs quite a lot per city, the average Spotter is 31 years old – which is exactly the people we are targeting our travel guides at: curious city travelers aged 20 to 40 (more on our target audience here).

More female than male Spotters
It varies a bit per blog, but most of our Spotters (63%) are female. We wish this was 50% (so, gentlemen: please apply!)

An average of 5 Spotters per city
In each city, we have 3 to 6 Spotters (in Athens we have 7, because we have a couple writing there). Not more, because we don’t want to overwhelm the visitor with too many tips on their citytrip. Quality over quantity!


