Strange keywords – how people find us online

December 14, 2010
< 1 min read

With the wonderful Google Analytics, we can monitor a lot of interesting things about visits to our websites. Last week, we researched who our  “most popular Spotter” of 2010 was.

One of the things that’s always interesting and funny to look at, is how people find Spotted by Locals.

Some of the top keywords (all used more than 100 times) used to find us  in search engines like Google:

  • Of course many  “Spotted by Locals” alike words, like spotet by locals and spotted by lovals…
  • Chocolate Kind Vienna
  • taf spotted by people
  • was ist spotted by locals?
  • aperitivo in rome
  • best pizza vienna
  • lisbon hidden surprises
  • πραξιτελουσ bar

