We just came back from a very memorable trip to meet our Spotters in Saint Petersburg & Moscow, and navigating from hidden spot to hidden spot using ourĀ 100% offline Phone & Android app.
Just a few of our best experiences in the around 75 local favorite spots we’ve visited:
- Our first & by far cheapest beer hours after arriving in Moscow. In Kamchatcka, with (bad!) popular music full of partying locals
- Meeting our Moscow Spotter in the amazingly beautiful MART bar
- Eating the hippest Moscow burger in town – at The Burger Brothers
- Sanne being dared by female bartenders to drink more wodka in very arty, friendly & exciting Brimborium Saint Petersburg bar
- Eating Chinese in a semi-illegal Chufalnya – one of the most hidden spot we’ve ever encountered. See next video!
Some people will tell you it’s not a good time to visit Russia. Well, we think it is! Fewer tourists, shorter visa lines and even kinder than usual Russian locals.
Some of the very cool