We’re on a roll launching new Spotters!

November 9, 2021
3 min read

In the last weeks, we published the first articles of 5 new Spotters in 5 cities. And many more are to come in the following weeks! Introducing Eszter, Margo, Najat, Magda & Valentina!

Eszter Baracskai – Budapest Spotter

Our new Budapest Spotter Eszter Baracskai: “When you arrive at a place that is new to your eyes, you perceive everything more intensely and discover many little details of the spot. It evokes all kinds of feelings and there you find yourself in a whole new atmosphere. This sensation fills me up each time I bump into a unique new place in Budapest…”

Check Eszter’s first articles here.

Magda Bekou – Krakow Spotter

Our new Krako Spotter Magda Bekou: “I ended up in Kraków after having lived in different European cities but this was the first place I felt I could call home and I always happily return to… Kraków can be quite diverse and blends gracefully the different parts of its history with the contemporary world.”

Check out Magda’s first articles here.

Margo Van Raemdonck – Antwerp Spotter

Our new Antwerp Spotter Margo van Raemdonck: “I have been going places all around the world since I was a baby. My Belgian-Indonesian roots probably have something to do with that. Wanderlust much? When not discovering the world, I absolutely love exploring my own city, Antwerp.”

Check out Margot’s first articles here.

Najat Kibbi – Beirut Spotter

Our new Beirut Spotter, graphic designer & freelancer Najat: “Her culture stands out, you cannot come to Beirut without feeling at home and the urge to try something new… Yes, I refer to my Beirut as a she, cause she’s my motherland. In her streets lie my favorite memories. She’s where I learned how to live freely, and experience life to the fullest…”

Check Najat’s first articles here.

Valentina Boca – Rijeka Spotter

Our new Rijeka Spotter Valentina Boca: “When I moved here for good it was the first place in my life where I felt that I belonged. The reason behind this? It’s the mindset of people, the vibe, the wind and the scent of the sea…”

Check out Valentina’s first articles here.

Want to join our amazing community and write about your favorite spots in your city? Apply here!

