What I like best about being a Spotter….

Spotted by Locals Team
July 22, 2013
4 min read
(by Spotted by Locals)

We recently did our yearly “Spotters satisfaction survey” 2013. We received a ton of ideas, which will be very helpful to achieve one of our most important missions: make being a Spotter more interesting & fun!

Spotter survey 2013
What made us smile most was the answers to the question “What I like best about being a Spotter”. Some of the many heartwarming answers that motivate us so much to continue our mission to make people experience cities like a local:

“Everything actually. I like writing the short articles about all the place I love thereby sharing them with others. I love the sense of community between us spotters where nationality and age is of no relevance. And of course the concept of Spotted By Locals in itself. I was a fan long before I became a Spotter, and it’s just wonderful to be able to contribute to it.”

“Getting to know so many different people from different countries, having always in mind to check their spots when traveling. It is a great community I can be a part of.”

“Representing my city!”

“It forces me to revisit places I haven’t been to in years, in some cases. It’s a great way to fall in love again with my city.”

“I’ve also met some people I probably wouldn’t have known if it weren’t for Spotted by Locals 🙂 This includes Sanne & Bart, the nicest bosses I have ever had!”

“The chance to write about the lovely Places in my own city.”

“I always keep my eyes open in my city and know the best spots which I can recommend to friends and family. People start seeing me as an expert in that, so that’s really nice :)”

“The freedom to write about any place we choose, and the ability to take advantage of other city guides while traveling, which encourages a great sense of community!”

“Working together with a very friendly crowd of people from everywhere in Europe and in America, makes me feel like having a kind of new young family everywhere.”

“Being part of an international community of like-minded people.”

“Always looking at new places with a special eye, thinking if this could become one of my spots.”

“Sharing my views about places that are great to go to in my city with people who otherwise may never have found them.”

“It has opened up my eyes to my own city. Now if I see a place that I have not noticed before, I am more likely to check it out, whereas before I might have just passed by without thinking anything more about it.”

“The freedom to write about the spots I like in the style that I like, plus getting comments – receiving positive comments about your favorite spots get the happiness levels higher.”

“THE best thing about being a spotter is that when people follow my advice they always have a great experience and that they don’t stumble into tourist traps!”

“This always gives me a reason to talk to the people behind the bar, or where ever. It’s a good feeling to go to places where people “know” you – to enter a space and the barman knows your name.”

“I like showing off the best parts of my city, and helping those who are visiting San Francisco avoid those overly touristic, unrepresentative places.”

“Being a part of a community that keeps on growing, has so much potential and all I need to do is write about my favorite places, which is a creative activity that otherwise quite lacks in my life.”

“I’ve met a few people this past year that have found the website on their own and read some of my posts before even meeting me. They were impressed and it feels great to know that people take my recommendations seriously and enjoy them.”

“Sharing your favorite places with other people. Somehow able to support nice initiatives in your city :)”

“…to bike around, make research and find new places myself to share online with others to convince everybody interested that Hamburg is awesome! Even my grandfather likes Spotted by Locals…”

“To share my best experiences from my city with others… Being kind of a guide:) and also to get into contact with other Spotters while visiting their cities.”

“Spreading the word about some of my favorite places in Edinburgh, as well as gaining a network of like-minded and interesting people from all over the world.”

“The fact that it’s allowed me to see my home town in a different light and the fact that it’s given me other opportunities (people approaching me for photos, wanting me to work for them i.e.).”

“People!!! People in this team, people who are traveling with Spottedbylocals and the mains leaders – Sanne and Bart. (:”

“Being (more) aware of your city.”

“Covering local places from a personal angle is really fun. I’m always out and about, and I love sharing tips and places with friends anyway.”

“…being able to tell people about this city that I love!”

“Being part of the Spotted by Locals family :)”

“A possibility I can share my personal observation, feelings, and thoughts about my city regardless of whether they are or should be “really cool”, “amazing”. I like that I can write about places special to me :)”

“I feel privileged to be able to write about my home city and recommend places to visitors and locals.  As Glasgow will be hosting the Commonwealth Games next year, I’m hoping to be able to add many more spots over the coming year.”

