Spotter since 2011
The "Keats House" in London is a treat for poetry fans! The famous John Keats live here for two years and this is where he wrote his most famous poems...
The "Charles Dickens Museum" in central London offers literary pilgrims a rich experience. I like that the museum never feels overly stuffy nor stale.
"The Photographers' Gallery" London is a photography museum in London which asks the important questions. Protip: you can enter for free before noon...
"Kahve Dunyasi" brings Turkish coffee to London. Beware: it packs a terrific caffeine jolt! I love their chocolate brownies too.
"Scandinavian Kitchen" London: a cosy café & shop for Nordic goodies & coffee. I find that the smorgasbord combination dishes are the best deals for lunch.
"London Chess Centre" is a charming chess shop that offers sets for every budget, as well as books, magazines and other board games. Check(mate) it out!
"Petrie Museum" London offers a much better chance to be alone with an Egyptian mummy than the British Museum. I like that they focus on smaller objects.
I like the "Grant Museum of Zoology" in London because it is more compact and less busy than the Natural History Museum. Check the dodo & Tasmanian Devil!
About me
I’m an American guy living and loving London. I moved here to study but fell in love with the city and stayed.
Aside from exploring new corners of the city, I enjoy theatre, exploring second-hand bookshops, rugby (and a bit of Quidditch).
I am a keen traveller (42 countries and counting). However, no matter what exotic locale I am visiting, after a few days I long to be back in London to walk amongst its parks, browse its bookshelves and eat its eclectic foods.
Why London?
Growing up in the US, London always seemed like a fantasy city – something that only existed in films or books. Yet my first trip to London as an 18 y/o allowed me to put my own stories to London.
Since I still consider myself a Londoner-in-Training, I make extra effort to learn more about my city every chance I get – a lazy weekend means a lost weekend of exploration for me. A new museum or a hidden cafe discovered on a ramble brings me a quiet joy, which I want to share with friends immediately
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