Syverkiosken – Traditional hotdog kiosk

Syverkiosken Oslo

Image by Sinead Wyer

Syverkiosken – Traditional hotdog kiosk

Sinead Wyer photo

Sinead from Oslo

I have (partially) swapped the pub for the great outdoors and have fallen for No...

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So I am not the biggest fan of hotdogs but they are everywhere in Norway –it’s the default choice for a quick snack at the petrol station, the corner store or at late night parties. But even I have to admit that the hotdogs served at Syver Kiosken are a different caliber, in addition to it being just a cool place with a lot of history.

The hole-in-the-wall kiosk has been around for 100 years and is run by Erlend, who took over from his father, so while it may look like a modern hipster reproduction, it is the genuine article. The sausage itself is high quality and the wide variety of toppings are homemade, preferably from local ingredients which are in season, wrapped up in a potato flour wrap and washed down with another local specialty, Tøyen Cola (which is regularly sued by Coca Cola, but that’s another story….).

There is no seating but hotdogs are literally made to be eaten on the run and part of the pleasure is having a chat with whomever is manning the counter when you stop by. When you are done eating, then the excellent Paul’s Boutique is a short walk away for a stiff drink and some old school hip hop.

Local tip – in the summer they are even known to have mini concerts on the roof, check out their Facebook page.

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Sinead from Oslo

Sinead Wyer photo

I have (partially) swapped the pub for the great outdoors and have fallen for No...

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Details about this spot



Maridalsveien 45, Oslo

Opening Times

10:00 - 23:30 daily


Hotdog: NOK 30

Check on Facebook

Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)