Nature is claiming back the city - a powerful image. The mural was painted by Paul Stämpfli in 1987, way before the world was discussing climate change.
"Kopflos" ('headless') at Casinoplatz in Bern is my favourite piece of art in the city's public space. I love its four fingers!
Hop on "Tram Nr. 8" at the main station for a 25min ride through the post-war urban planning history of Bern. It gets interesting around Europaplatz...
"Chindlifresser" in Bern is a gruesome 500-year-old statue of a 'child-eater', but it's also one of my favorite cold-water providers in the whole city!
Bern’s Alpine Museum has become one of the most interesting and interactive cultural slash educational spots around the city.
"Wasserspeier" in Bern is a trick spot! Just go there and be surprised... it's an installation by local artist Luciano Andreani