Huntington Theatre Company Boston

Image by The Huntington Theatre Company

Supriya Manot photo

Supriya from Boston

Boston is a vibrant city to be in. It is charming, welcoming, intelligent and bu...

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Although a smaller city in comparison to the Big Apple, Boston’s arts scene is no less thriving. It is no surprise then, that organizations like the Huntington in downtown Boston are supporting a new generation of artists who are engaging, funny, poignant and stimulating. Comprising of Boston University Theatre and Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA, Huntington offers a number of shows each year. Each show runs for a period of about a month and explores a theme of popular interest.

Storytelling is an art, and when backed by meaningful performances, the intended message shines through. Last year, I had the privilege to watch Tiger Style, a production about Asian siblings born and brought up in the United States. Without giving much away, let me share that the performance and narrative were flawless. We laughed, clapped and sailed with the cast through several relatable moments. The theater also does a great job at creating a dialogue about issues that its productions convey. After the show, they held an interactive discussion that viewers could stay on for.

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Supriya from Boston

Supriya Manot photo

Boston is a vibrant city to be in. It is charming, welcoming, intelligent and bu...

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Details about this spot



264 Huntington Avenue, Boston

Telephone number


Opening Times

From 14:00 daily (check program)


Ticket: US$ 35


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Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)