Ullevål Hageby Oslo

Image by Rodrigo Braz Vieira

Rodrigo Braz Vieira photo

Rodrigo from Oslo

I'm a TV production fixer & experience travel entrepreneur. Oslo holds its secre...

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The Norwegian word ‘hyggelig’ could be best translated as cozy and welcoming. And that is exactly what Ullevål Hageby district is: a charming neighborhood that has everything you need for an enjoyable visit. A cute square with a fountain, lovely historical buildings, gracious gardens, cozy cafes and restaurants and a local grocery shop.

Ullevål Hageby was inspired by the English concept of the Garden City, and it was built in the beginning of the 20th century, originally as an option of green and spacious housing for the working-class. But the result was so good that the affluent middle-class ended up being the final dwellers and still today is one of the most desirable living areas of Oslo.

My walking suggestion is to start at the Ullevål metro station and walk down the Sognsveien, then right to Tyrilshansveien and first left and walk along all the neat backyards down Eventyrveien to Vertsgrensa and then left all the way to John Collets Plass square and continue at the leafy boulevard with the same name. In front of the Ullevål Skole, there is a small square with a monument that commemorates the local Norwegians who fought in the resistance during WWII. Continue up the Gäbleins vei to the left and finish at the Damplass square.

Here, enjoy a well-deserved coffee at Åpent Bakeri, a pizza at Lofthus Samvirkelag, shop some local delicatessen at the Kolibri Kolonial or take a look at the photo exhibitions at Vasli Souza gallery.

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Rodrigo from Oslo

Rodrigo Braz Vieira photo

I'm a TV production fixer & experience travel entrepreneur. Oslo holds its secre...

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Damplassen, Oslo

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Last Changed Date: 2016-05-19 11:45:13 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2016)