What is better than having ice cream on a sunny day in the summer? Having ice cream all day - every day. Especially now that the days are getting longer again, I cannot wait to visit my favorite ice cream shop in Hamburg and get that feeling of summer, even in spring. Just as its name implies ("Eisliebe" is the German word for "ice cream love"), you will just love their different flavors and creations of the cold and delicious snack. Most of the days, you will have to wait in line (often even outside of the shop) until you can finally enjoy your ice cream cone or cup. That fact speaks for itself: the ice cream of Eisliebe is the best! I have never tasted better ice cream in Hamburg - or anywhere, to be honest.
In the little shop, there is not much space. I like to get my ice cream there and take a stroll around Ottensen, go window shopping or spend my time enjoying the ice cream on a park bench in the adjacent park. My personal motto: ice cream from Eisliebe tastes awesome - no matter the season, the weather, the temperature...
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THIS "Cross of Nails" in Hamburg is one of the 330 worldwide made from the destroyed Coventry Cathedral. They're symbols of peace and reconciliation...
"Rialto" in Hamburg is on an island, so that makes me feel a little bit like I'm in Venice! The food isn't cheap but it's beautiful -- as are the waiters!
The "Löwenkopf", or Lion's Head in St Petri in Hamburg, is one of the oldest pieces of art we have here in the city. It's existed since 1342...
"Mellin Passage" is the oldest passage in Hamburg (est. 1864). It's a great place to hide from the rain and discover some of the city's oldest shops...
"BERS" is a top-notch restaurant in Hamburg, mostly for the just amazing love the chefs have for the organic produce. You have to try their wines...
"Lockengelöt" in Hamburg has little recycled things and pieces the owners have designed themselves. The owners have big hearts and it shows!
I go to "Wilhelmsburger Inselpark" in Hamburg to hang out in tranquility & watch the water lilies grow. You can enter and exit the park 24/7. Recommended.
"Nivea Vending Machine" sells the cutest and smallest version of the cream which I like as typical, small gifts! Did you know Nivea is based in Hamburg?
"Ellerntorsbrücke" in Hamburg is a bridge that connects the old town (Altstadt) with the new city (Neustadt). It dates back to 1668...
"Hafenerlebnisroute" (or the 'harbor experience route') in Hamburg is a 45-km-long bicycle route which I find perfect for exploring the city and harbor...
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