"Kotiharjun Sauna" is a legendary yet perfectly ordinary sauna in Helsinki. Bring your beers with you, like a local, and enjoy socializing like a Finn!
"Löyly" in Helsinki has quickly become a worldwide phenomenon. It's a very Finnish spot, but at the same time, not! Sauna accompanied by sunshine!? But...!
"Vanhankaupunginkoski" is the Old Town of Helsinki, but instead of old buildings, here you'll find beautiful nature and a lovely scenery...
"Talvipuutarha" (or 'winter garden') in Helsinki is a big greenhouse garden with three rooms. It's 120 years old and super cute, even for picnics!
"Töölönlahti Bay" Helsinki is my favorite place to unwind from the busy city. I love jogging around or relaxing by the banks or in the surrounding parks...
"Linnunlaulun silta" is my bridge in Helsinki where I go to observe the trains passing underneath. All trains to and from Helsinki pass under this place...