Hopefully, by the time you start reading this article, you are already looking forward to get acquainted with Dutch theatre. If not, read this one first, because I'm about to explain you the next step in this enterprise (in case you want to make the experience lighter on your wallet).
# 1 - You hop onto http://lastminuteticketshop.nl/ and you take a look at the offer. This website will showcase theatre, dance, concerts, musicals and cabaret - only the performances that you can see tonight.
# 2 - You marvel at the fact that the shows are discounted up to 75% (!).
# 3 - You get the logic: tickets that weren't sold are now in the market for around half their original price. This is a smart way to get our theatres full and make a number of latecomers very happy.
# 4 - You pay.
# 5 - Now comes the part in which you actually attend your show of choice. And because I don't have my crystal ball on me, I don't know how that's going to go.
However... and this one is optional (but highly recommendable):
# 6 - You let us know how it went! Leave a comment on our Facebook or Instagram with all the juicy details, will you? ;)
Explore cities like a local with Spotted by Locals - discover hidden gems and all our locals’ favourites! Get full access to our Amsterdam guide.
"Uncommon" in Amsterdam is a café that's so aesthetically pleasing it hurts. 'Good coffee is for good people', they say...
The old neighborhood of Transvaalbuurt in Amsterdam is full of impressive, massive street art murals. Makes you stop your bike to take a pic...
"Local Dealer" in Amsterdam deals in addictive, authentic Mexican food! My favorite dishes? The tacos with fermented pineapple or the chicken stew...
At "The Upside Down" in Amsterdam, your world is quite literally turned upside down! But here you can also learn a thing or two about the Dutch - win win!
When exploring Amsterdam's famous canal belt, make sure to visit the art nouveau "City Archives", the most extensive municipal archives in the world!
"Pompet" in Amsterdam Noord, with its bright furniture, jeu de boules area & outdoor bar with the the enormous croissant, gives new life to Floradorp...
"Eiburgh Snacks" makes the best, extra-crispy fries in Amsterdam, hands down. What makes them so great? Just take a peek inside the next container!
"Zuiderziel" in Amsterdam is a shop with a great selection of home decoration items, flowers, artistic jewelry and more. I can't resist buying something!
"Local Hero" is a spot in Amsterdam West that offers an all-day brunch menu! What can be better than that? Forget getting brunch just at 11:00...
"Bar Oldenhof" is an old-fashioned, hidden, intimate, high-end cocktail bar located right in the trendy Joordan neighborhood of Amsterdam...
"Cafe de Klepel" is a French bistro in Amsterdam that offers a large selection of wines by the glass. I love its front terrace on a small, vibrant street!
"What is Happening Here Gallery" (or WIHH) in Amsterdam is in a building that used to be a bank. Free to visit, with many exhibitions & installations.
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