"QC Terme Milano" is the place for you if you're just a bit tired. Honestly, I wouldn't have expected to find a spa like this in the city...
One of my favorite things to do in Milan is to bike along one of the last remaining canals in the city, the Naviglio Grande. I go all the way to...
"Sant Ambrogio complex", like anything really old in Milan, has been built on top of other things. Tip: look at the right corner of the Basilica's gates...
This pretty block is one of the most unexpected sights in Milan, mainly because here you'll spot some super fascinating, mysterious Tudor-style houses!
"Aristide Calderoni Garden" behind Milan's Cattolica University's main building is a part of an almost forgotten town. I've done my research for it...
"Colonne di San Lorenzo" in Milan occupies a special place in my heart, as well as for other Milanese and visitors. It's where the people here chill...