"Kalnai Park of Hills" is a huge park in Vilnius. I like it because it's made up of several of the highest hills in the city, some quite magnificent...
"The Garden of Ideas" is great if you need to relax or meet friends in the Old Town of Vilnius. It's unique because every bench has its own story...
"Vilnius Calvary" is not just a place for pilgrims - I've discovered it's a beautiful place to relax and enjoy the nature for all kinds of people, too!
The "Subačiaus panoramic pitch" is my favorite place to admire Vilnius from up high. It also doubles as one of the calmest spots in the city...
The "Apple tile" in Vilnius in S. Moniuškos Sq is one of the most favorite places for lovers in the city. Perfect for meeting up with friends & loved ones.
The "Vytautas Kernagis Monument" in Vilnius is a very special place for me - I always come here when I need inspiration or just want to relax.