This place is definitely something special. When you enter the restaurant you are in the middle of an art gallery with tables, chairs and a bar. Kunstbruder is originally a street art gallery but they also opened a restaurant (Kunstbruder Restaurant) where they have combined their passion for art and food, so you will enjoy your dinner among paintings and sculptures.
It's not just the street art, but also the food that reminds me of street food. The menu is a mix of food from all over the world: Asian mango chicken, Irish beef stew, Icelandic cod fillet and Indian samosa is just a small sample of what you can find on the menu. As I like trying new food, I love this place. Last time I was here, I chose Okonomiyaki, a Japanese pancake made out of eggs, cabbage, seaweed, bonita flakes and leek. At first it sounded kind of weird to me but I was positively surprised. It was delicious. You have to come back again anyway, because every dish is so different and it's really hard to decide.
And maybe you won't be leaving just with a full stomach, but also with a nice painting...
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"Bona'me" is a Kurdish restaurant in Cologne that means 'our house', and it does look like that. It has a delicious self-service concept with many dishes!
"Bei Oma Kleinmann" is one of my favourite restaurants in Cologne. I make sure to go there when I am really hungry, because their Schnitzels are just huge.
"Nextbike/KVB-Rad" is a bike sharing system in Cologne that's integrated with KVB, the mass transit system. Just 1€/hour - that's it!
"RheinEnergieStadion" in Cologne is the home stadium for FC Köln - I love going there for games with some friends with a bratwurst and a delicious Kölsch!
"Music Store" Cologne: only the biggest one in Europe! They don't only have 3-4 guitars - they even have a bistro, because you'll want to stay long here.
"Wo ist Tom?" is more than just a great cafe in Cologne. Its food menu is ridiculously extensive, and I love how it also does social work!
"Schlosspark Stammheim" in Cologne is a nice quiet park a bit out of town. I come here not only to enjoy the peace, but mostly for the art installations...
"Funkhaus" in Cologne is a great idea if you're looking for a pleasant coffee or snack spot away from chain stores. I like the 'WDR' decoration the most...
"Südstadion flea market" Cologne is the market I like most. It is only once a month, on the first Sunday. But maybe that's what makes it special.
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